How to embed Google Photos album using application

The Google photos embed tool has been around for a long time and I believe many of you find it useful.

I decided to integrate the Google Photos gallery embedder into the online bookmark manager Reabr. It is a very interesting and progressively developing application with a number of interesting features.

In this post I will describe the Reabr application and the Google photo embedding extension option. Reabr is an online organizer of your resources on the Internet. Reabr is a new project still under development. Now is public to use for everyone. It has great potential with many features.

Some basic information about the Reabr online booking manager can be found in the introductory post of the project – Let`s get started.

Continue reading “How to embed Google Photos album using application”

Embed Google Photos video with player into website

Update: You can not grab the directly public link from the shared album now :/ You may use .mp4 file from own server or use another public streaming service. I will try to solve this problem with the caching tool.

How do I embed google photos video on a webpage? There are several ways out, I will show you my way to do it simply and quickly.

How do I embed google photos video on a webpage? There are several ways out, I will show you my way to do it. Easily and quickly using one of my tools to get the code to embed a video from google photos.

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