Embed Google Photos video with player into website

Update: You can not grab the directly public link from the shared album now :/ You may use .mp4 file from own server or use another public streaming service. I will try to solve this problem with the caching tool.

How do I embed google photos video on a webpage? There are several ways out, I will show you my way to do it simply and quickly.

How do I embed google photos video on a webpage? There are several ways out, I will show you my way to do it. Easily and quickly using one of my tools to get the code to embed a video from google photos.

First, I remind you that this can be done with Google Drive.
But we already know from Google, it’s complicated and not quickly.

And why does it not simply go directly to Google photos? Maybe just because it can’t :/

Tool for embed Google photos video

I decided to improve my existing tool to get the public url of the shared image. Here is the original text dealing with embedding single image from google photos. And here is a tool again with video support:

It works just like with photos.

A short tutorial on how to do it:

  1. You must first share the video and get a public share link.
  2. Insert the link into the tool. It recognizes whether it is a photo or video. And it generates the code to embed the video.
  3. Copy the generated code using the button to the clipboard and paste it into your page.

Insert the link into the tool. It recognizes whether it is a photo or video. And it generates the code to embed the video or image if you can.

Some additional options

You can set several parameters, or you can completely edit the code as you like. The integrated player in your browser will be used for playback.

  • image/video width – If possible, the size of the video or image used is optimized. I recommend paying more attention to this parameter because it can have a significant impact on your page’s load time.
  • image/video height – same as in the previous case.
  • embed width – the size at which the video or image will be displayed on your page. I give 100% as the default value. This means that the element will be stretched to the entire available page width. I recommend that you keep this relative size in order to display everything correctly on mobile devices
  • embed height – the height of the displayed video or image. The default is 480px.

It is possible that there will be cases where it will not go completely smoothly. In this case, please write to me and try to solve it.

Other tools you might find useful.

If you need a more complex photos viewing tool, you can try the Embeded google photo album tool with a javascript player or simple carousel component.

22 thoughts on “Embed Google Photos video with player into website”

      1. Hi, after uploading 720p video to google photos, it’s available in var qualities. Your tool generates only code for the lowest resolution. How to get the highest?

          1. Thanks for this one, but since a few days getting “429. That’s an error. The rate limit for this service has been exceeded. That’s all we know.” on all links generated via your tool. Any reason why? Embeded videos are not playing, although I can easily play them on my GPhotos account.

  1. Will videos in a Google Photos Album be supported? Or does this tool only support stand alone videos that are not in an album?

  2. I was searching for a solution for this for a long time! Finally I found this and it works. Thanks so much!!!!

  3. I tried to create an embed video from google drive, a big one (about 250MB), and it worked for a few time, after that didn’t run anymore, I’ve just tried it again, and embed code don’t run. I don’t know why.

  4. Hi, first of all thanks for your effort (although Google Photos no longer accepts videos like this)
    I suggest, use wix.com to host videos (up to 1080p and 1 GB). You can get the link directly, and it still has a performance similar to Google Photos (the Wix CDN is distributed via Google Cloud). I am using this alternative now for school projects. I hope I’ve helped.

    1. Hi Bruno, thanks for feedback. I think that is it one way how to use video. But, maybe there is some limit of traffic for direct using of link same as in Google Photos.

  5. Hi Pavex, thank you so much for setting this up. I generated some video urls in 2019 and they don’t seem to be working anymore. I tried to generate a new one today and it doesn’t seem to be working either. Just a heads up. I’m looking into the situation to see if I can resolve it.

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